f4 plus meaning in English
- Name : f4 plus
产品名称: f4 plus指纹门禁机 - F4 plus has already reached the top flight of the international technology , not only in the hardware or software , but also the using function
F4 plus不管在硬件软件还是使用功能上,已经达到国际领先,也是目前中控最为高级的指纹门禁产品,可以满足客户在门禁控制方面的各种需求。 - Product introduction f4 plus is a professional access control product , specially designed for the international high terminal access control market . it has been developed by zk software and one of its partners , a world - famous security products company since two years ago
产品介绍f4 plus指纹门禁机是中控科技与国际某著名的门禁公司合作历经两年研发推出,专门面对国际高端门禁市场销售。 - F4 plus use the professional static electricity prevention and anti jamming design , all of the input or output interface are protected from over - voltage and frequency , it has the function of anti - dismantlement alarm and professional alarm , as well as the voltage and pfk watchdog inspection , outstanding quality
F4 plus在硬件设计上,采用国际流行的poe设计,专业的防静电和抗干扰设计,所有输入输出口均具备过流和过压保护,具备防拆报警和专业的警报处理功能,具备电压监控及可编程看门狗监测,品质卓越。